
澳大利亚悉尼,2023年8月15日 —— 世界首个获奖的UTS“创意智慧与创新学士课程”(BCII)让来自26个不同学科的本科生一起合作,与行业合作伙伴共同解决实际问题,创业以及为平均在5个不同职业中有17个雇主的未来做准备。

Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation (BCII) students working in a UTS studio space. “It's wonderful to be able to extend the BCII program overseas,” says UTS Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Andrew Parfitt. “We know that innovation is not bound to one single country or continent: it’s a global concern. And so, creating global citizens is an important part of our remit.” Image: Maja Baska
Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation (BCII) students working in a UTS studio space. “It’s wonderful to be able to extend the BCII program overseas,” says UTS Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Andrew Parfitt. “We know that innovation is not bound to one single country or continent: it’s a global concern. And so, creating global citizens is an important part of our remit.” Image: Maja Baska

亚利桑那大学W.A. Franke荣誉学院对能为其学生提供类似技能的BCII学位感到兴奋。

BCII学生会学习独特的思考、学习、协作和解决问题的方式,创始课程主任Bem Le Hunte教授将其描述为“为未来做准备”,这些技能在今天的就业市场中极为受欢迎,常常使BCII毕业生在各行各业取得成功。

UTS与UA有着长期合作关系;后者是一家重要的技术合作伙伴,两所院校在广泛领域开展合作。但这是UTS首次将自身设计和开发的学位课程在合作的美国大学开设,TD学院负责人Martin Tomitsch教授对这种合作可能带来的机会感到兴奋。